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Jimmy Scott "Games"

Jimmyscott_games モダン・ソウルが盛り上がっていた時代の一枚。






Games Jimmy Scott (Music Mr.Mystro MMCD-1)-1990-

 そももそのはず。これはそれ以前のレコーディングをまとめたCDであり(CDという形になるについては日本のWax Traxレコードが関与している)、いくつかの曲ではChapter 8のメンバーが参加している。




学校に上がる頃には合唱団(Glee Club)に所属し歌うようになっており、ハイスクールに進むときには既に一人前のシンガーとなっていた。Ray Parker Jnr.(ギター)、Nat Black(ドラム)らと組みタレント・ショーで脚光をあびていた。

ハイスクールを卒業すると叔父のGarland Greenとデュオとしてレコードを録音する。GiantというレーベルでJoshie Jo ArmsteadとMelvin Collinsのプロデュースで"Forty Days And Nights"、"Do You Get The Message"、そしてMike Terryがアレンジャーとして参加した"Lookin' For A Brighter Day"を残している。

彼は次にWestboundと契約し、Bootsy Collinsとチームを組んだ。ここでBernie Mendlesonのプロデュースによる"Backbone"を録音した。
Westbound時代には"What Goes Around Comes Around"、"A Pair And A Spare"といった曲でFunkadelicの録音に参加している。
またAl Greenのバックで知られるHodges Bro-thersの録音にも参加している。
Westboundのリズムセクションで録音された曲にはほかに"Spoilin'Me"、"Leavin'Cause I'M Greavin'" 、"Out Of The Storm"がある。

Jimmyは次にFeeというレーベルと契約を交わす。ここでMichael PowellとChapter 8と組み"If I Lose Your Love"という曲を録音。この曲ではバックコーラスにAnita Bakerが参加している。

その後Stacey HuntがオーナーであるEar Waxと契約。同じくMichael PowellとChapter 8のプロデュースで"Love Language"、"Here To Stay"、"The Hunt"、"The Missing Link" "Take A Chance" "Be Careful" "Smooth Sailing" "You Got It Coming"といった曲を録音。

さらにJimmyはデトロイトのDavid SpradleyとDonald LyieによるMr Mystro-a hot productionが起ち上げたThe Yellow Rose production companyで、Chapter 8のベース兼ヴォーカリストのDavid Washingtonと組み、次の4曲を録音する。
"Games"、"Never Say Never"、"Can't Say No"そして"Open The Door"。

<Jimmy Scottによる謝辞>

そしてこのアルバムを形にしてくれたDavid Spradley、Richard Carrington、久保田泰広の三方に特に感謝申し上げます。Jimmy Scott.

(2009/4/21 Sugar Pie Guy訳)


Jimmy was born in Leland, Mississippi.
At the early age of six months old Jimmy's family moved to Detroit,Michigan.He started singing in elementary school in the Glee club.By the time Jimmy got to High School he had already become an accom-plished vocalist.In High School as Jimmy remembers he and his close friends,Ray Parker Jnr,who played guitar,Nat Black who played drums,would unite their talents and highlight the talent shows.

After High School Jimmy recorded a duet with his cousin,Garland Green,a song titled "Forty Days And Nights".This lead to a contract with Giant records,where he was produced by Joshie Jo Armstead and Melvin Collins.Some of his recordings with Giant were "Do You Get The Message""Lookin' For A Brighter Day"- arrangements by Mike Terry.

Jimmy then signed with Westbound records, and teamed up with Bootsy Collins, where "Backbone" was produced by Bernie Mendleson. While being signed to Westbound records,Jimmy got a chance to record some songs with Funkadelic,"What Goes Around Comes Around"."A Pair And A Spare". He also recorded with the famous Hodges Bro-thers, who at that time were with Al Green.
Westbound hired the rhythm section to do a few songs with Jimmy,"Spoilin'Me" "Leavin'Cause I'M Greavin'" and "Out Of The Storm".

Next Jimmy signed with Fee Records and teamed up with Michael Powell and Chapter 8, who produced a single titled "If I Lose Your Love" One of the highlights of this production was the young songstress who sang background vocals was Anita Baker.

After Fee records Jimmy then signed with Ear Wax records,where president Stacey Hunt gave him complete control of production.Jimmy hired Michael Powell and they produced the following songs "Love Language" "Here To Stay" "The Hunt" "The Missing Link" "Take A Chance" "Be Careful" "Smooth Sailing" "You Got It Coming". The Yellow Rose production company who teamed Jimmy up with Mr Mystro-a hot pro-duction team from Detroit, comprised of David Spradley and Donald Lyie. Jimmy was also able to connect with the multi-talented bassist/ singer of Chapter 8, David Washington. They recorded four songs "Games" "Never Say Never" "Can't Say No" and "Open The Door" Along with the above recording credits Jimmy has always been one of the most electrifying performers in the business. Currently Jimmy has a 12" single riding the Soul Charts in England with "Games"

Jimmy Scott Thanks:
Thanks to God, my Mother and my Family for understanding and strength. Thanks also to all the wonderful musicians, vocalists, engineers, producers and friends (too many to name individually) who helped this music live. And a special thanks to David Spradley, Richard Carrington and Yasuhiro Kubota for making this possible.
Jimmy Scott.


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