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VA / Don't Forget The Motorcity

Jacket_smallsmall 絶対にお奨めのDVD。





Disc #1 -- Don't Forget the Motor City: Tracks 1-34
1. Mary Wells: You're the Answer to My Dreams [3:56]
2. The Miracles: Love Machine [3:33]
3. Frank Wilson: Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) [2:32]
4. The Velvelettes: It Keeps Reminding Me [2:49]
5. The Elgins: Don't Wait Around [3:32]
6. Billy Preston and Syreeta: Watching the Hands of Time [4:56]
7. Edwin Starr: Where Is the Sound [4:18]
8. Johnny Britol: What Does It Take to Win Your Love [3:33]
9. Frances Nero: Footsteps Following Me [4:08]
10. Mary Johnson: Run Like a Rabbit [3:50]
11. Willie Hutch: Love Runs Out [2:42]
12. The Monitors: Grazing in the Grass [3:18]
13. Brenda Holloway: Reconsider [3:04]
14. Barbara Randolph: Mister Wonderful [4:29]
15. Mary Wilson: Oooh Child [3:29]
16. JJ Barnes: Our Love Is in the Pocket [3:02]
17. Pat Lewis: It'll Never Be Over for Me [3:16]
18. The Andantes: Lighting Never Strikes Twice [4:00]
19. Kim Weston: Signal Your Intention [4:03]
20. Ivy Jo Hunter: Love Running Through My Fingers [3:44]
21. Hattie Littles and the Vandellas: Nowhere to Run [2:57]
22. C.P. Spencer: This Man Needs YOu [3:16]
23. Bettye Lavette: Let Me Down Easy [2:53]
24. The Contours: Flashback [3:45]
25. Wanda Rogers of the Marvelettes: Don't Mess With Bill [2:52]
26. Joe Stubbs: You're My Eternity [3:58]
27. Vermettya Royster: Give Me Your Love [4:00]
28. The Elgins: Heading Away From Heartaches [3:29]
29. Sherri Taylor: Weak Hearted [3:59]
30. Sammy Ward: If at First You Don't Succeed [3:31]
31. Pat Lewis: No Right Turn [4:24]
32. The Valadiers: What's Wrong With Me Baby [3:35]
33. JJ Barnes: You Can Bet Your Love [4:27]
34. The Satintones: Shake Me Wake Me [2:51]

Disc #2 -- Don't Forget the Motor City: Tracks 35-67
1. The Elgins: Heaven Must Have Sent You [3:49]
2. The Marvelettes: Holding On With Both Hands [3:36]
3. Chuck Jackson: All Over the World [3:59]
4. Syreeta: If the Show Fits [4:17]
5. G.C.: Cameron of the Detroit Spinners: It's a Shame [2:52]
6. Frankie Gaye: My Brother [3:59]
7. Kim Weston: Helpless [2:46]
8. Edwin Starr: Darling Darling Baby [2:55]
9. Ronnie McNeir: Lucky Number [3:19]
10. Carolyn Crawford: Timeless [3:55]
11. Pat Lewis: Funny How We Changed Places [4:11]
12. JJ Barnes: On Top of the World [3:37]
13. Saundra Edwards: There's Nothing Else to Say [3:40]
14. Frank Wilson: Janice Don't Be So Blind to Love [4:26]
15. JJ Barnes: I've Seen the Light [4:20]
16. James Ellis of the Satintones: If You Don't Want My Love [3:11]
17. Pat Lewis: Something New to Do [2:37]
18. The Motorcity All Stars: I Can't Help Myself [3:56]
19. Kim Weston: You Hit Me Where It Hurt Me [2:57]
20. JJ Barnes: Talk of the Grapevine [3:11]
21. Vee McDonald of the Undisputed Truth [3:11]
22. Edwin Starr: I Have Faith in You [2:14]
23. The Monitors: Day by Day [3:13]
24. JJ Barnes: That's Just Never Enough [4:07]
25. Frances Nero: Keep On Loving Me [3:33]
26. Pat Lewis: Look at What I Almost Missed [2:48]
27. The Contours: First I Look at the Purse [2:49]
28. Sisters Love: I'm Learning to Trust My Man [3:09]
29. Ear Van Dyke: Six By Six [2:50]
30. JJ Barnes: Still in Love With You [4:26]
31. Richard "Popcorn" Wylie: Rosemary What Happened [2:59]
32. Liz Lands: Headline News [3:18]
33. Hatie Littles: Never Say Never [4:05]

Disc #3 -- Don't Forget the Motor City: Tracks 68-100
1. The Supremes: Crazy Bout the Guy [3:03]
2. Martha Reeves and the Vandellas: Step Into My Shoes [3:54]
3. The Velvelettes: He Was Really Saying Something [3:19]
4. The Contours: Running in Circles [4:00]
5. The Elgins: Take the Train [4:35]
6. Bobby Taylor: Does Your Mama Know About Me [3:14]
7. Sidney Barnes: I Hurt on the Other Side [3:12]
8. JJ Barnes: Try It One More Time [3:24]
9. Ronie McNeir: Wholeheartedly [3:48]
10. Yvonne Vernee of the Elgins: Just Like You Did Me [2:19]
11. Edwin Starr: Back Street [3:00]
12. Bettye Lavette: Surrender [3:25]
13. Frank Wilson: My Sugar Baby [3:36]
14. The Elgins: Look Up to the Sky [4:14]
15. Frances Nero: Close My Eyes [3:52]
16. G.C. Cameron of the Detroit Spinners: Good Times Up Ahead [3:39]
17. Hattie Littles: Waiting for the Day [4:04]
18. The Lovetones: Fire Alarm [2:46]
19. JJ Barnes: Build a Foundation [4:21]
20. Pat Lewis: Don't You Worry Baby the Best Is Yet to Come [3:35]
21. The Monitors: Going to a Go-Go [3:14]
22. The Contours: Ready or Not Here I Come [3:51]
23. Liz Lands: How Sweet It Is [3:28]
24. Bettye Lavette: Danger Heartbreak Dead Ahead [3:52]
25. Hattie Littles: You See the Trouble With Me [3:39]
26. The Andantes: Step Into My Shoes [3:49]
27. Saundra Edwards: Darung Baby [3:49]
28. JJ Barnes: Please Let Me In [2:40]
29. The Elgins: Souvenirs of Love [4:29]
30. Hattie Littles: Touch Me In the Morning [4:07]
31. Frances Nero: You Are the Sunshine of My Life [3:12]
32. C.P. Spencer: One Heart for Hire [4:07]
33. Joe Stubbs: My Girl [2:46]


 例えば以前紹介したチャック・ジャクソンの傑作"All Over the World "映像もちゃんと入っている(Disc 2-⑤)。


 惜しくも数年前に亡くなったエドウィン・スターの映像がいくつか入っているが、そのなかに"Darling Darling Baby"がある(Disc 2-⑧)。





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